24th August 2018
The Best Ways To Prevent Cavities
Decay occurs when we let sugar and plaque sit on our teeth, attracting bacteria that feeds on it. These bacteria break down the sugars and produce toxins which breakdown the protective enamel on our teeth. This eventually reaches the surfaces below the enamel, creating hollows and holes of decay in our teeth. We’re proud to champion preventative dental care and one of the biggest facets of this is at-home protection. You may see us once every six weeks, but in all that time between now and your next appointment there’s a lot you can do at home. We think it’s important to know brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and these other steps you can take at home are essential to preventing the development of cavities and ensuring your ongoing dental health.
Oil pulling
Originating in traditional Indian medicinal culture, oil pulling involves rinsing and swilling your mouth around with coconut or sesame oil. It’s a little debated within the scientific community, but research has suggested that it can improve dental health. Coconut oil, because of its pleasant taste and other health benefits, is mostly used today. It reduces the amount of plaque and bacteria in the mouth to the same extent as mouthwash. If oil pulling really does reduce plaque, this may help to prevent cavities through its removal of harmful bacterial layers. This may be fun to try alongside your current hygiene routines, but don’t substitute proper teeth cleaning for oil pulling!
Eating high-fibre vegetables and fruits
Eating high-fibre foods keeps saliva flowing in your mouth, creating mineral defences against tooth decay. Saliva naturally contains minerals that strengthen your teeth by cleansing them of common germs and balancing your pH levels. By lessening the mouth’s acid levels, you lessen your chances of developing cavities. It can also positively affect your teeth’s whiteness too, because it lubricates tooth surfaces and dissuades pigments from sticking to the surface. Bananas, apples, Brussel sprouts, and peanuts are all great foods for this.
Calcium, as we all already know, is great for our teeth and bones. Whether young or old, calcium plays a huge part in making sure our jaw bones are healthy and strong and that our teeth don’t develop cavities. Dairy is a great choice as a calcium provider, and even low-fat dairy products contain enough calcium to keep our teeth healthy. Not only this, but products like cheese lower our mouth’s pH levels and neutralise acid, saving our enamel from acid attacks. Milk, yoghurt, broccoli, almonds, and Brazil nuts are all great sources of calcium, too.
Health and hygiene
Of course, your health and hygiene routines at home are important to consider when preventing cavities. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and choosing the correct products for your teeth lessen your chances of developing cavities when maintained properly. Cavities in children are becoming more and more prominent, however, with surgical extraction on a 17% rise since 2013. Set the standard for your children to follow and teach them the benefits of regular cleaning. Showing them and getting into a routine with their dental health will inevitably help keep yours on track, too.
Your dental health is very important to us, so it’s our responsibility to share with you what you can do to maintain it when not in the office. At Roseacre Dental in Kent, we endeavour to deliver the best treatments and hygiene appointments we can to keep you smiling and healthy. Book your next appointment today on 01622 730 548 or enquire online.