19th January 2018
Why you should make it a New Years resolution to visit your Maidstone dentist
When was the last time you visited the dentist? If it was a while ago, you’re not alone. Dental surveys have revealed that a large percentage of the British population have not visited the dentist in over two years. This may be because of a fear of dentists, which we acknowledge is something that can occur, or it could be simply because our increasingly busy lifestyles have made dentist appointments a low priority feature of our schedules.
If the former is the case, please be assured that our Maidstone dentist team have been trained to help nervous patients overcome their dental fear. If the latter is the case, please be aware of the importance of keeping your dental appointments. Your Maidstone dentist could potentially recognise the early symptoms of mouth cancer and prevent you from developing heart disease, diabetes or increasing your risk of having a stroke; all from examining your teeth!
So even if your teeth aren’t hurting you right now, there’s a chance you could be sitting on a health timebomb that you know nothing about. Early diagnosis and treatment leads to much higher recovery rates.
How we can help your teeth look more attractive
If you’re looking at our website, are you looking for a new Maidstone dentist? You might simply be keen to have a general check up to eliminate the chances of you suffering tooth pain, or more serious problems as outlined above. Or, you might be looking to transform your smile in 2018.
In addition to the general dentistry treatments we offer, we also offer a number of cosmetic treatments. We can restore broken teeth with crowns and veneers. We can whiten teeth which are stained, or discoloured.
Teeth which have moved out of alignment can be straightened via a number of braces options and if you’re missing a tooth, why not fill that gap with a dental implant; a permanent and natural looking replacement tooth.
We would like to invite you to have a consultation with us here in Maidstone, during which we will examine your teeth and give you a thorough dental health check. We can also provide you with a smile makeover service, which will provide you with a bespoke treatment plan to improve the look of your smile.
Please get in touch with our reception team to book your initial appointment and find out exactly how much more confidence you’ll have in your looks when your smile is more aesthetically pleasing.