16th July 2015
How Dental Implants Are Changing Dentures For The Better
Many of us have childhood memories of a grandparent or great-grandparent whose full set of dentures would sit in a glass beside their bed or drop out occasionally when they talked. As dentists, we often hear that these memories have coloured people’s perceptions of dentures.
Until relatively recently, dentures were generally presented as the only solution for extensive tooth loss but, referring back to their memories, it’s fair to say that many people are resistant to the idea of dentures, associating them with old age, having to watch what you eat, and a poor fit.
In reality, dentures can be incredibly comfortable, natural-looking and close fitting, although dentists need to check them regularly to ensure that any movement caused by bone loss is corrected.
Fortunately, dental implants are changing the experience of wearing dentures and overcoming problems associated with denture wear in the past.
Smile restoration with Implant-Retained Dentures
It is now possible to have dental implant-retained dentures to fully restore your smile. We are able to fit between four and six dental implants – depending on where your missing teeth are – and these act as a fixed anchor that your dentures attach on to. Because the dentures are securely attached to the dental implants, it means that you can be fully confident that they won’t move when you laugh, talk or eat. You can also continue to eat your favourite foods because they won’t dislodge your dentures.
Another major benefit of having implant-retained dentures is that the dental implants stimulate bone growth and ossification, which can help to preserve the shape, density and function of your jaw. In the past, dentures often came loose because of the bone loss which occurs in the area of a missing root.

How Implant-Retained Dentures work
Dental implants for implant-retained dentures can be embedded into the upper or lower jaw. The teeth on your dentures can be perfectly shape- and colour-matched to your remaining natural teeth, and there’s no reason to cover the palate of your mouth with a denture plate, meaning that your speech and sense of taste is less likely to be affected by wearing dentures.
Dental implants can also be fitted as an anchor for dental crowns and bridges if you’re only missing a few teeth, or we can replace every missing tooth with a dental implant (as long as you are a suitable candidate).
Contact our Maidstone dental practice
If you are a denture wearer and would like to find out more about implant-retained dentures or you have a missing tooth or teeth and would like to discuss dental implants in Kent at Roseacre Cottage Dental to replace missing teeth, simply give us a call on 01622 730 548 to book a 30-minute dental implant consultation.