Roseacre Dental Practice Kent
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woman with teeth whitening treatment offered at Roseacre Dental Practice in Maidstone, Kent

24th April 2021

Teeth Whitening For Sensitive Teeth

When it comes to brightening your smile, we know our patients here in Maidstone want to be fully informed about their treatment. Of the many myths around teeth whitening, one of the most prevalent is that it is harmful to the teeth, or that it damages the tooth enamel. At Roseacre dental practice, based in Maidstone, our expert dentists only use safe and effective treatments and are on a mission to help set the record straight.

What’s the connection between teeth whitening and sensitivity?

It’s true to say that some people experience passing sensitivity after teeth whitening, but this doesn’t happen in every case and it’s extremely rare for it to be a prolonged issue. Our treatment involves desensitising swabs to help prevent this and a special serum toothpaste. 

woman having teeth whitening treatment in maidstone, kent

What if my teeth are already sensitive?

Our Maidstone dentists use Enlighten teeth whitening, which is a simple at-home process combined with a dental visit. One of the leading brightening treatments on the market, it offers dramatic results by breaking down staining molecules through the enamel, without harming the tooth’s surface.

What about high street kits?

There are laws in place to help keep teeth whitening a safe procedure. Not only does this mean that only a registered dental professional (such as a dentist) can carry out the treatment, but owing to this, the level of whitening agent in products offered by dental practices (such as ours) is higher than those off-the-shelf. 

Why do I need to do the treatment at home?

Enlighten teeth whitening treatment involves using custom-made trays that fit snugly over the teeth. You’ll then have a gel to apply to teeth overnight for the next 2 weeks, followed by a 1-hour appointment in the dentist’s chair. This helps really bring your smile to life and we find Enlighten gives the best results in the business.

What else do I need to know about teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening treatments only work on your natural smile. With Enlighten, our dentists could brighten your teeth by up to 16 shades for a truly dramatic result. The best part is that your results could last a lifetime with monthly maintenance, regular dental check-ups and a good standard of oral health.

What’s my next step?

To enquire about teeth whitening, or to book a consultation, get in touch with our expert Maidstone dentists today. We’re happy to assess your mouth, teeth and gums, and can recommend appropriate treatments to help restore and enhance your smile.